Gable and Ed Shaikh of Hadleigh’s

We were so excited to catch up with Gable and Ed Shaikh of Hadleigh’s about their newest addition to the Hadleigh’s lifestyle - La Veranda at Highland Park Village.

S&S: What inspired the new space?

Hadleigh’s: It’s called La Veranda at Hadleigh’s. It’s a minimal, modern, elegant space that defines style and artisanal inspiration.

S&S: How is it different from your previous storefront and office? What do you believe it adds or extends to the brand?

Hadleigh’s: This is a Glass Window which an extension to our atelier, allows us to show a Master Tailor (Maestro in a blue lab coat) working and showing an artist detailing a garment. Its shows the sartorial inspiration for the current collection and shows the collection as displayed. 

S&S: How do you see the space being used - how will it be used for your clients?

Hadleigh’s: The clients walk through and see the collection; which inspires them to shop easily.  Also, it’s a display window of all items bespoke and ready to wear from downstairs.

S&S: What’s a typical day like for the both of you?

Hadleigh’s: Our day normally starts at 5:00 am communicating with our Italian office, we take the girls to school. We are usually at the shop by 8:30am. We love to spend time in the shop downstairs changing mannequins and talking about the exciting new clients that came in the day before. Depending on the day and appointments, normally we have inspirational meeting with the staff. Gable and I work together on designing new product and going through new fabrics that have arrived.

We eat lunch together most everyday, usually at Mi Cocina.

I usually spend the rest of the day assisting clients with their H-man wardrobe. Gable spends time at her office off site making sure the shipments have arrived and developing new ideas for the meetings ahead.

S&S: What’s new for Hadleigh’s spring?

Hadleigh’s: A ton of color for both H-Girl and H-Man.  You don’t want to miss: double face cotton bright color jackets and the H-Belt as an accessory.

S&S: What inspired the spring collection?

Hadleigh’s: It’s a specific Hadleigh’s client lifestyle collection and more fun than last season with more accessories.